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main elements of african traditional religion

As a result, Islam and Christianity have become Africanized on the continent, significantly changing the practice of the two traditions and leading to a distinct African expression of them. Indeed, in ancient African kingdoms, whenever the power of the king waned, he committed suicide to save the community. £14.00 Devotees of traditional religions awakened to the possibility of losing their faith, and to compensate they extended the criteria for membership. This is because traditional weavers manufacture textiles from palm fronds and also because Ògún's preferred food and drink come from the oil palm tree. Scholars attempted to link African cultures with external sources—for instance, suggesting that sub-Saharan black Africans had come from the Middle East or Egypt. Newborns are said to come from the place of the ancestors, not necessarily in actual physical all aspects of a traditional African culture, if an individual rejects the culture's religion, he or she may become isolated from family, friends, and the community. Accordingly, dietary prohibitions and peculiarities are associated with the deceased and the diets of those who inhabit the heavenly world. It initiates the process of attaining ancestorhood. They were expected to assess colonial projects, predict the behavior of the natives, distinguish between rumor and fact, and develop mechanisms for colonial command and control. Awolalu, J. Omosade. It is the most popular for decoration and can often be seen printed on cloth or stamped on pottery. At this time two main schools of thought prevailed. Zuesse, Evan M. Ritual Cosmos: The Sanctification of Life in African Religions. Some religious rituals involve the devotees offering the gods and ancestors sacrificial animals, libations of water or alcohol, or small amounts of favored food. They generally involve superhuman entities, gods, demigods, spirits, and ancestors. Sometimes the witchdoctors used herbs and other remedies to help the sick. First, in the origin myths of several peoples, such as the Baganda of Uganda and the Edo of Nigeria, the first king or chief of the community was endowed with the sacred power of the Supreme Deity. Mawu-Lisa positioned human beings in the region between the sky and the underworld, commanding humans to dwell there and to return to his own abode after a specified number of years. The names given to the specific deities in Benin may vary slightly from those of the Yoruba. Accordingly, if religious believers no longer find a belief or ritual useful for daily spiritual life, it may easily be set aside forever. The pantheon of deities is often given a collective name; for the Yoruba of Nigeria it is orisa, and for the Baganda of Uganda it is balubaale. Families memorialize deceased relatives and lineages at their gravesites. African traditional religion (ATR) refers to the indigenous religious beliefs and practices of the African people. Oral narratives define morals and values for traditional religions, just as written texts do for religions that have sacred books. Therefore, twins are esteemed in Fon culture. The effect of colonisation on Africa's traditional religion is seen in the views of colonialists that African traditional religious practices are fetish, barbaric, ritualistic and demonic. The Yoruba hold that children born soon after the death of grandparents or parents are reincarnated (if they are of the same sex as the deceased). Shrines may be exclusively for family members or for public use. From greatest to least significance, African traditional religions begin the hierarchy with a being or god who remains supreme. / New York: Oxford University Press, 1937. All kinds of seeds and the most delicious parts of domesticated crops are appropriate for ritual offerings. The belief in God as a supreme being is central to all the traditional … Marriage rituals signify the betrothal of individuals to each other, to the lineage, and to the community. Ritual is the means by which a person negotiates responsible … They are used only for ceremonies, rituals, prayers, and sacrifices. Practitioners of African traditional religions are generally familiar with the symbols and icons, but often only a few trained individuals can interpret the significance of such symbolic and iconic forms, which are used to imply religious meaning in initiation, divination, and secret societies. Eating habits and diet differ vastly among regions of Africa. A crisis of identity has been created in Africa as Africans' own indigenous sources of knowledge are steadily replaced by global values dictated by Western capitalism. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1937. In African traditional religions guidance is provided through myths, which are handed down orally. The living must avoid and respect the resting places of the dead. Major scholarly research about African traditional religions had a late start. 2. Thus, to have many children who can preserve one's memory is to secure one's immortality. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Perhaps the finest critic of African religious scholarship was Ugandan writer and anthropologist O. p'Bitek. Thus, doctrine tends to be more flexible than it is in text-based religions, and it changes according to the immediate needs of religious followers. They worship a number of the same deities—including Sango, god of thunder and lightning; Ògún, god of war and iron; Èsù, messenger of the gods; and Ifa, the god of divination. A seer in these respective languages is an okõmfo, bokonõo babalawo, and amoma. This myth gives credence to the importance of the underworld as the sphere that nourishes human life. Some structures are built for specific religious purposes, to protect the faithful from inclement weather, or to protect religious objects from the elements. Cultural objects and status symbols—such as an amulet, royal crown, staff, divination sign, or dance wand—often inspire designs. Dietary restrictions take place for various reasons, including a person's stage of life, gender, or social class. At the end of the twentieth century, Islam spread into areas such as Rwanda, where the trauma of civil war, ethnic violence, and genocide implicated Christianity and left Islam with a reputation for being on a higher moral level. The religion of the Lupupan people of Congo (Kinshasa) illustrates how this belief is sustained in most African communities. In the case of African traditional religion, it can be traced back to the very beginning of the emergence of African peoples. Graves may also be located in a sacred forest where the spirits of the ancestors concentrate. It was overtaken in the region by Islam in the seventh century—frequently by military incursion, commercial trading, and the nonviolent missionary efforts of merchants. Scarification or tattoo is a permanent mode of cultural adornment signifying identification with beliefs; motifs are often based on abstract designs, leaf forms, and totemic flora and fauna. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986. People consult diviners for any number of issues, but the most common reasons are for a misfortune, such as sickness, death, or calamity; spirits are likely to have knowledge about the causes of a misfortune. Van Binsbergen, Wim, and Matthew Schoffeleers. Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices. As a young boy he had been kidnaped by a French Jesuit missionary; he was initiated when he returned to his village at age 20. Most traditional African religious cultures have thus become more inclusive. Community festivals are designed to purify villages or larger communities (ridding them of evil and bad fortune), to carry on life-sustaining activities successfully, and to bring harmony to the village. Initiation often takes place for several days or months in auspicious natural locations, such as forests or grasslands, where the initiates are afforded closer contact with the invisible realm, the spirits, and God. Religion in Igbo traditional society partakes fully of all the features of world traditional religion, including its beliefs, sacred myths, oral qualities, strong appeal to the hearts of adherents, high degree of ritualization, and possession of numerous participatory personages such as officiating elders, kings, priests, and diviners. In modern African societies, such as that of the Zulu of South Africa, the king's roles as ruler, judge, and ritual specialist are often critical in maintaining a functioning society. Such rites provide a transition from one age to the next. Binding the couple is accompanied by exchanging gifts, which is largely a way of thanking the parents of the bride or groom for bringing up their child in a good manner. The first academic studies of African traditional religions were written in the eighteenth, nineteenth, and early twentieth centuries by Muslim and European scholars. A male priest or a traditional ruler may wear a long hairstyle signifying a female deity, thereby assuming the persona of the deity and establishing a special connection with her. For example, for the Komo of Congo (Kinshasa) the ancestors play a role equally prominent to that of deities. Individuals who have died, usually ancestors in particular lineages, are the human spirits. This is a 3-hour summary lecture on the basic components of African Traditional Religions. A cow, sheep or chicken is slaughtered and the ancestors are called to receive the offering and bless the gathering. Mbiti, John S. African Religions and Philosophy. Certain sacred children may also become ancestors. Many wild animals are sacred because they have wisdom and powers, because they are believed to be inhabited by spirits, and because it is said that in some cases they were sent to earth by God to communicate with humans. There is a continuing belief about the sacredness of lizards and chameleons in Zulu culture. Spirits may be divided into human spirits and nature spirits. During this period many scholars of African religious studies were passionately nationalistic. Colonial offices continued to govern universities and colleges. Often From the postcolonial years in the 1960s to the early 1990s, the study of African religions entered a mature phase. Devotees of traditional religions recognize domestic and wild animals as sacred and full of great power. For instance, howling dogs signify the impending death of a relative. African cultures are, however, often flexible enough to absorb values and traditions from other religious belief systems. rebirth but in terms of the particular qualities of the deceased. Religion and Society in Central Congo: The Bakongo of Lower Zaire. Crises call for more elaborate sacrifices, such as the slaughter of chickens, goats, and sheep. For example, John Mbiti from Kenya, the most prolific of the African scholars, challenged the Eurocentric notion that Africans An example is a story among Zulus in which a chameleon and then a lizard are sent to Earth by God to tell men that he has arranged death to be a part of the cycle of human life. A royal stool may depict powerful animals such as leopards and tigers. New York: Praeger, 1963. Domestic animals such as dogs, goats, and roosters are often used for sacrificial purposes, and certain of their body parts—such as feathers, nails, entrails, horns, beaks, and blood—are used as offerings and for divining. The most common religions that have been incorporated into traditional belief systems are Christianity and Islam. Mawu is often associated with a partner, Lisa. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. The symbol can be found throughout Ghana. Devotees of African traditional religions often perform rituals to induce rain; such rituals feature dancing, singing, and chanting. They began to abandon their doctrinal, orthodox, and christocentric views of African religion. In several cultures a supreme deity performs creation through mere thought processes. In African cultures celebrating the transition from childhood to adulthood takes many forms. While some religions adopted a pantheistic worldview, most follow a polytheistic system with various gods, spirits and other supernatural beings. The Ifa corpus is a large body of poetic oral narratives that are memorized by diviners and recited during divination performances. They profess habits of truth, justice, honesty, good character, and diligence. London: S.C.M. African Traditional religion (ATR) is one of the world religions with a great people and a great past. Introduction to African Religion. In the African traditional religions, the main beliefs are, God, the divinities, spirits and ancestors. Although their inquiries were fraught with bias, some outsiders were more reliable than others. oral culture may be as authentic as those communicated through the written word. Specific deities are ordained by the Supreme God as custodians of rectitude. Mligo has published several books and articles including Jesus and the Stigmatized (Pickwick Publication, 2011), Writing Academic Papers (Resource Publication, 2012), and Doing Effective Fieldwork (Resource Publication, 2013). Some harbor shrines and ancestor graves. Diviners are vital for communicating with the spirit world. This accounts for the varying figures that are sometimes seen in . Clients listen to the poetic recital and identify aspects of it that relate to their problem. Every aspect of it cannot be described as original. During these events usually an offering is made to honour, please and thank the ancestors. Journal of Religion in Africa. For instance, a girl born after the death of a grandmother or mother is called Yetunde or Iyabo ("mother has returned"), and a boy born after the death of a grandfather or father is called Babatunde ("father has returned"). Religious leaders play numerous roles in a traditional African society. Fundamental human rights are often seen as important not for the sake of individuals but for the collective survival of the group. The wheel contains everything found on Earth. Purchasing options are not available in this country. Meek, Charles K. Law and Authority in a Nigerian Tribe. In contrast to structured Western religions, traditional African religions are organized with relatively little concern for formal structure. Genevieve Slomski In some cases kings, queens, and other nobility are buried in temples. Refer to each style’s convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. African religions rely on the memory of oral stories. Depending on the kind of religious activity, various religious authorities may preside over specific rituals. Some are fabricated, some are found in nature, and others are natural but altered in some fashion. London: Epworth Press, 1961. p'Bitek, Okot. There are a number of West African babalawos (diviners) of African origin practicing in major American urban centers, such as Atlanta, Miami, and New York City. In the forefront was E. Bolaji Idowu. Nevertheless, throughout the twentieth century her spirit, speaking through other spirit mediums, continued to work closely with the freedom fighters in the struggle for independence. The message and sacrifices contained in Ifa verses are a genre of oral tradition; they preserve the Yoruba religious worldview through myths, proverbs, songs, and poetry. African Traditional Religions are still practiced today, along with Christianity and Islam. Shrines and altars are most often found in natural spaces or in locations that are considered powerful places for connecting with the invisible. In traditional African culture the world of the ancestors and the abode of the dead is understood as a sphere beyond the realm of the living. The story conveys the division and crisis between two generations; through sacrifice, order is restored. These forms have introduced African healing practices among the black population of the United States. Although the names are different, the first four elements roughly translate as being air, fire, water, and earth. The religious beliefs, practices and the€human characteristics (such … ——. African Traditional Religion during my semester at This means that traditional African religion cannot be separated from daily life. African indigenous religions are timeless, beginning with the origin of human civilization on the continent, perhaps as early as 200,000 b.c.e., when the species Homo sapiens is believed to have emerged. Elders, priests, and priestesses have served as guardians of the sacred traditions. Religious traditions reinforce the idea that family members must adhere to specific roles. Outside observers and anthropologists have written many descriptions of traditional African initiation rites. Nevertheless, the truths and myths conveyed through an The Lupupans believe that the body (mbidi) houses the spirit (kikudi) and that when death occurs, the spirit leaves for elungu, a special land that the ancestors inhabit. Next are divinities and ancestors, who represent the invisible world. It was named after its namesake Yoruba kingdom in West Africa. African Ideas of God. Vol. Deities are usually represented by signs or symbols on clothing or the skin. Priests, priestesses, diviners, elders, chiefs, kings, and other authority figures may perform sacred and ceremonial rituals. Being and other gods) gained knowledge of all sacred languages of the divinities, enabling himself to initiate communication among other deities. 3. The matrilineal agricultural people of central Zambia require that males offer sacrifices to the ancestors on the right side of a doorway, while females offer sacrifices on the left. Gender is a major factor in many traditional ancestral cultures; males rather than females have tended to benefit from ancestral ideology. Even with the advance of literacy and the impact of Islam and Christianity in Africa, the king continues to function as a sacred canopy under which foreign traditions are subsumed and celebrated. As we have already observed, in the African traditional religious thought, spirits are believed to dwell or inhabit certain trees, rocks or mountains, caves, rivers, lakes, forests, animals, human beings, the skies, the ground and other cites, carved or moulded objects, charms, amulets. Then there are priests and holy persons, who are intermediaries between the seen (the living) and the unseen worlds. Africans believe that punishment may be communal or may pass from one generation to another. In this way Africans have been responding to a crisis using their own metaphysical and epistemological worldview. Puberty rituals signify the coming of age, when elders reveal to the younger generation the ancestral secrets of deep knowledge. / Thus, traditional funerary ritual in many cases has been effective in inspiring wise use of natural resources. The Invention of Africa. A priest can be a diviner, a king can be a seer, and a prophet can be a priest and a diviner. The purpose of this is to help to orient a person who would like to work in the context of Africa. By the 1700s Islam had diversified and grown popular. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982. Priests and priestesses are natural leaders because they are in direct service to God and dedicate themselves to the deities for life. This Ghanaian Adinkra symbol means "except for God" and symbolizes the supremacy of God. In most West African communities burials take place on pieces of land within the family's compound; these are regarded as secured places where the dead will be at peace. In traditional African cultures festivals are scheduled to occur during major rites of passage, including birth, circumcision, coming-of-age initiation, marriage, and death. Hindu and Buddhist 5 Elements Akasha is the equivalent to Aristotle's aether, in the Greek tradition. spiritual needs of many peoples. ASPECTS OF AFRICAN TRADITIONAL RELIGION 3 It represented the community, their solidarity, their permanence, their continuity. The Religion, Spirituality, and Thought of Traditional Africa. A twin in Yoruba culture is forbidden to eat the meat of the colobus monkey, because the Yoruba believe that twins have kinship relationships with them. These are usually colorful affairs with dancing, music, eating, drinking, praying (and other religious activities), wearing masks and costumes, and general merrymaking. The myths of many African cultures describe the Supreme God's global significance and place him or her high above the other deities in the pantheon. The rapid spread of Pentecostal Christianity and fundamentalist Islam has greatly affected the role of indigenous religion in African society. The early African scholarship of J.B. Danquah (1895–1965) from Ghana and J. Olumide Lucas (from Nigeria) in the first part of the twentieth century produced interesting studies of African indigenous religion. Shrines, the most common religious structure, exist throughout Africa. Much social ritual takes place at shrines, temples, and altars. Because the gods and ancestors created the society's ideals, people are highly reluctant to stray from them. They carry out specialized duties. The Yoruba purport that such children normally show the traits and characteristics of the deceased. While the Supreme God serves as the adjudicator in such conflicts, one demigod eventually takes Thus, strictly speaking, religion in its pristine form is no longer in existence. This outlines how and why we collect, store and use your personal data when you use our website. They serve as guardians of the living, and they pass down the various Komo rituals. The diviner recalls and interprets an appropriate text and, through further questioning, arrives at a definitive cause of the client's quest. West African Religion: A Study of the Beliefs and Practices of Akan, Ewe, Yoruba, Ibo, and Kindred Peoples. African Traditional Religion has been evolving; there is in it the element of continuity as well as discontinuity. Source for insights into contemporary scholarly issues and approaches elders speak for young! Other problems the physical abode of humans and thus remains outside their immediate.... Sports Statistics, Lists, and dance, 1979 offshoots of European institutions ) across the continent, especially their. Artistic expression, including literature, music, visual art, and sacred places are with! May also convey messages to God and dedicate themselves to the crisis of poverty in African traditional religions a... 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